Through this portal you will find the latest information about Northern Region Retirees and how you will benefit yourself and the organization by becoming a member.
We have updated and revised our BY-LAWS (CLICK HERE)
An email will be sent to all members for their thoughts and ideas about this guiding document. Please participate. Your thoughts are important.
Please direct your comments to Tim Love, President
Not a member but want to participate CLICK HERE to join NRMRA!
A membership in the Northern Rocky Mountain Retirees Association will help you keep in touch with the Forest Service and other retirees. We send out two newsletters a year, in April and October. In addition there are usually monthly emails that go out with the RO newsletter and any current news that can't wait until the next Newsletter. This includes such events as Museum activities, requests for volunteers, and local gatherings. It includes monthly lunch reminders for the greater Missoula area folks who meet informally for 10 months of the year and usually have a speaker of interest. For the Membership Application, simply Click on Membership on the menu, above, or CLICK HERE.
** NEW **TidBitsSend us your stories about significant people and events that have made the region what it is today. First up: Penny and Emil Keck For more information about Penny |
The National Museum of Forest Service History is a nonprofit organization dedicated to collecting and preserving the history of the U.S. Forest Service.
As a place of beauty and spendor, the Northern Region of the USDA Forest Service has long been a shining star in the crown of this countrys display of sustainable management of its abundant natural resources. As proud retirees, we reminisce our successes as we look forward to the continued achievements of todays managers.
Dear Forest Service Retirees:
For what it is worth I thought I would share the reason for my association with NRMRA. Like many of you, I enjoyed working for an agency that has a meaningful purpose and history. What made the experience even better was working with others that shared a value for our nation's forests and grasslands (I served on the Little Missouri National Grasslands from 1979 to 1984).
All my years, I worked with, and for, remarkable people that were mentors and role models for me. The NRMRA gives us the opportunity to stay engaged with and connected to friends and memories. I hope you can attend our monthly meetings on occasion and read the great newsletter that Vicky Maclean prepares for us. Enjoy! Tim Love